This pregnancy has been wonderful. I have nothing to compare it to (other than horror stories from other people), but I never really had morning sickness, I have felt great, luckily haven't gained that much weight (in the scheme of things), my blood pressure is normal, I'm not super swollen (rings are tight some days)...had a few days with an achy back...but that's it! :) So I consider myself very blessed.

4D Ultrasound 28 weeks 6-12-08

35 weeks and counting...
My last day of work was this past Tuesday...but I'm on call if they need me! I hope to be able to stay at home with BG because we don't have to have to send her to daycare (emotionally don't want to...or financially). I hope to find something to do from home that will allow me the flexibility to be a Mom all day and make a little extra money...so let us know if you know of anything wonderful!!! (they all seem so gimmicky!). However, we are lucky to live close to my parents and my Aunt has already offered to keep her (at our house or hers) a day a week...so I'm sure everything will work out!
Brooks and I had maternity/pregnant pictures taken last week. We have a good friend who is a photographer and are very anxious to see them! I'll post pictures once I get them from Catherine. I was just relieved that they were taken before her arrival!!! Catherine is also going to take pictures of our BG when she gets here!BG's nursery is all ready and we have more baby things than we know what to do with!! I think my Mom thinks its crazy because I didn't have near this many gadgets and accessories and I turned out alright!

Nursery so far! Fun things on walls to come soon! :)
Brooks and I are both very anxious for her arrival. We are super excited about becoming parents...although I don't think we have a good concept yet on how much our lives are going to change and what all it will entail. However, we know it will be for the better and just want to keep each other as a priority. We are trying to get in as much "couple" time this week as we can...and luckily we have family nearby so we can still have our own little "dates." We are super excited about becoming parents! We can't wait to raise our daughter and to teach her all the things in life that are important and valuable to us! I hope and pray that we are good parents. I know it's totally different...but Brooks is so cute, loving and protective with our dogs, I know he is going to be a wonderful Daddy! We took short little vacation to Galveston this summer and were able to spend some great time together. I guess you could call it our "babymoon." Our hotel room was amazing and it was nice to get away and relax!! ...and of course, Brooks got to go FISHING! :) We fished on the dock one night, he fished in the surf, we went to the rain forest at Moody Gardens, toured old houses (mansions), visited friends in Houston...and got to be together!

Brooks' Redfish caught in the surf...very happy guy

My gigantic fish caught off the pier on my ROD and REEL
That was a whirlwind update on our life from the past few months! ...and seeing as this is my first post...I think I have found plenty to write/ramble on about (sorry)! I doubt they will all be this lengthy...because this was just a re-cap on our life. The next post will definitely be more exciting and include our daughter!! :)