Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!!

A quick re-cap on our lives. She had her weight check a week ago and unfortunately only gained 7 ounces, weighing in at 9lbs 12.5oz. She was also still having quite a bit of spit-up...so the doctor sent her for an Upper GI with barium. I was quite apprehensive, but it didn't even faze her! She drank the stuff they gave her (I actually think she was a big fan) and then the doctor watched her stomach and esophagus...and sure enough it confirmed that she has reflux. As soon as she finished swallowing...it came back up...poor thing. So, it also verified that everything is anatomically correct inside of her and connected in the right spots...she just has reflux (apparently without the "normal" signs). The doctor has now started her on Prevacid...so we are giving this antacid a try. Since she was such a big girl, she was given a little stuffed fishy from the hospital. My mom and I took her for a second weigh in yesterday at the doctor’s office and she did much better!! She gained 6 ounces in 7 days!! (much better than the previous 7 ounces in 14 days)....so as of yesterday she weighed 10lbs 2.5oz...we are in double digits!! :)
Today Daddy hung up all of our Christmas lights...he wanted to make sure and decorate for Brooklyn's first Christmas! The house looks great!! (on the outside and inside!!) We did some major cleaning this week, which was much over due. We had a little dinner party Tuesday with Melissa, Aaron & Tillie (yes, Brooklyn finally got to meet Miss Tillie...I think they will be buddies)...and Catherine & Greg! It was a fun night...we may just start up a little dinner club! :) Anyways, we have Christmas lights on the house, our little magnolia tree, candy canes in our flower bed...and hope to get the tree up this weekend!! Auntie/Cousin Jennifer is here visiting and staying with us...so maybe we will have time to decorate!

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Brooklyn's Birth Announcement

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Brooklyn's newest discovery...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
2 Month Check-Up
She also got FIVE shots!!! Three in one thigh and two in the other. Her only prize was two pink camoflauge band-aids. Someday she will get a chocolate milkshake. She did great! She cried and turned bright red, but as soon as they were over we held her and she was fine.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy 2 Month Birthday!!

The house Mame and Aunt Jo grew up in...Marietta, Oklahoma

Going back home....riding in the car
Last week she helped (or watched) Mommy and Daddy carve her first pumpkin. She was a great supervisor. She got all decked out in her Halloween outfit, from head to toe! We didn't have a costume this year, but we learned she sure looks cute in orange!!
Tick or Treat?
This past weekend we went to New Braunfels for Wurstfest. It wasn't the same this year, but she had fun and has now experienced one of our family traditions! She had more fun during the day when it was bright outside. She people watched from her stroller. We went back and night and she napped through the loud German music. Sunday morning I took her to Landa Park with my parents where she rode David's train (the same man who ran the train when I was little!!). She made all sorts of sounds and talked to us...she definitely liked the wind on her face and looking around. She loves being outside. Last but not least my Mom and I took her to JC Penny today to have her 2 month picture taken...they turned out super cute!! Much better than her 1 month pictures (the baby acne was a bit bad at that time in her life). Brooklyn also visited her Daddy at work today and brought him Subway for lunch! It made his day!

Brooks and I were just talking tonight about how 3 people live in our house now...and how we can't remember it any other way. It just feels right and we truly love her more and more every day. It is definitely a wonderful experience and we wouldn't trade it for the world. She is absolute perfection. She couldn't have come into our lives at a better time.