Friday, November 27, 2009
Can't seem to keep up with life...
I think I'm going to request a few hours from Brooks...that I can just sit and upload pics! I think I will feel better about life. But...until the pictures can be posted...I will re-cap...once again a large time of span...the last month!
Brooklyn pulled up for the first time at her birthday party...and since then she has been a furniture/wall cruising machine!! A couple of weeks ago she got brave and took a step from one ottoman to another...and did this again at Great Great Aunt Jo's house...from chair to coffee table!! She then began taking just a few steps here and there...before she goes "boom" and sits down. However...her steps are getting more and more. She can now walk from Mommy to Daddy...or from couch to Grandma/Grandpa! She is doing so so good at this new "walking" skill!! We are always in awe of her when she does something new...she simply amazes us!! Her new found mobility has created for some fussiness when she is in shopping carts, highchairs...etc...because she wants to get down and explore herself!!!
If you tickle her and say "ticka ticka ticka"...she will touch her tummy and say it herself! This cute skill came from Grandma Jan!! She knows where her nose, mouth and eyes are...and can point to yours too! Her favorite book lately is "Pat them Gently"...a great find from the Target dollar spot (and a great gift from Gina and Rowan). She LOVES this book!! She brings it to us all the time...and it is short enough that she can pay attention to the whole book! has taught her to pat Khloe and Shelby is too cute watching her give them the lightest pat!! day Khloe did get a rough tug/yank on an ear...thankfully she is so well tempered!
I have been beyond busy with Thirty-One, which is truly a huge blessing...I just need to figure out how to get organized!! I have had two promotions...Senior Consultant...and most recently, Director. During the month of October there was sales contest and I won a digital camera, HD pocket video camera and a 42" plasma tv....we are pretty excited!! It is going in our game room!!
Speaking of our game room...we recently sold our "like new" treadmill...and bought a "like new" recumbent bike from someone on craigslist. We are hoping that we will use it more than they did. It is the exact same model that we wanted from Academy...but we got it for 50% off!! Gotta love craigslist!! So far Brooks has used it twice...and I have yet to get on it. Since you can sit and it has a back rest...and we will have a nice new tv up there...we are hoping for some motivation...
Brooks has been doing well at work. His neighborhood just released some more lots...woohoo!!! His latest change is going to "KB wear" which takes effect on December 1st. He's super excited about his new ties that sport the KB logo..and Blue, Tan or White shirts! Yup...that's what his uniform will consist of. In's not that bad...the ties all say KB really small in some sort of geometric pattern...and his favorite color is he'll survive. Free ties from the company...yes....but free shirts...not so much, we must make a trip to Kohl's...they have his favorite broadcloth dress shirt!! Brooks also went on a canoe trip with Steven up/down the Colorado River and they camped out. For some reason he first invited me...glad he came up with plan B. This past week he went deer hunting with his friend Tim...and shot his first deer, which is currently at the processor...steak and ground meat coming soon! (we'll see what I think about deer).
We just got back from Thanksgiving in New Braunfels. It was at my grandparents house...where it has always been...except it wasn't Mame and Popeye's was Aunt Jamie and Uncle Johnny's house. It was really nice and everyone had a great time...except for the dogs. They have two of which isn't the most social. Poor Shelby walked in the door and immediately got greeted by Mitford with a clamp down on her snout...and so the fun began! We kept Shelby away from the other dogs...for some reason they were scared of her size...however, she was probably the sweetest and most well behaved out of the 6. Yes SIX dogs at Thanksgiving...mixed with food flying and cooking in the kitchen...there's bound to be some canine jealousy and a fight here and there. ...after the initial skirmish...they did pretty well.
Brooklyn however treated us with waking up at 3:45 on Thanksgiving morning/night. For some...this might not seem odd...but when I tell you that she has NEVER done this...I mean NEVER. I tried putting her back to sleep...but she was ready to go! So...Brooks and I got up with her and had her in the living room. She was playing, crawling, crusing...talking..having a grad ole time! Grandma got up to go to the bathroom and Brooklyn saw her and said "HI"...we couldn't help but laugh. Finally, by 6 a.m. she was back asleep....and Brooks and I slept in the living room. I think part of her problem was that she had gotten cold...she usually doesn't sleep in the same room with us and we had the fan on high...and then on top of things, we were in her space. She slept fine...alone....form 6 until 9:30.
Ian and Seda came over to NB to have turkey with us...we all stuffed our faces with roasted turkey, smoked turkey, dressing, gravy, corn casserole, green beans, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, crescent rolls, brown n serve rolls...and appetizers of cheese, crackers, sausage, pickles, olives, okra, stuffed celery (umm...which lead to us not being quite so hunger for dinner...oops). It was nice being with family...and our family isn't that it was the usual crowd (minus Scottie and Maggie who have moved to Las Vegas), my parents, aunt/uncle...joined with Ian and Seda. The usual. However, Aunt Jo and John stopped by for a visit on Wednesday, which was nice. Brooklyn didn't pull her hair this year (remember last year..she grabbed her hair and didn't realize that SHE was the one hurting herself and didn't realize all she had to do was let go?? yeah, that was funny...and geez, she has changed a TON in the last 12 months...)
I think this about sums up our last month. Betsy, Quentin, Gracie and Brinin should be here tomorrow...which should be fun! Not sure what we have planned...talked about the zoo, children's museum...or something! We'll see what the weather has in store!! :)
....again, hopefully pictures coming soon!!!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Beach, Midland...and More!!
We (my parents, Brooklyn, Brooks & I) went to South Padre from September 18th-22nd. I really really want to be able to take Brooklyn to the beach each summer....but REALLY wanted a baby picture of her in the sand!!
I bought a cheap-o umbrella stroller at Wal-Mart with the intentions of it getting junked out and ruined on the beach...but wanted something to push her in. It mainly turned into a chair...and something to carry her in...because it didn't push through sand very well (but the thought was there).
Our first stop was in Port Isabel...WAL-MART (because we don't have those here, ya know!). It seemed to be a better bet for a grocery store than the Blue Marlin grocery store on the island. We stocked up on sandwich stuff, breakfast goodies...and snacky stuff! We went out to eat about once a day...which worked for Brooklyn!
We showed up looking like 100% camera, camera...and 4 crazy adults staring at Brooklyn clapping and cheering for her as we set her down in the water! She loved to splash in the waves and to crawl around! I quickly decided that the beach was a safer place for her to be than the pool...because she couldn't "fall in." We built sand castles...chased her across the sand...watched grandpa fly a kite...went to the pool and more. Overall, we had a great time...and made some great memories! She had a few facefulls of salt water...but seemed to survive it all!!
She was such a trooper too! She did so great taking naps and sleeping in her pack n play! Mommy and Daddy were a bit nervous because we haven't shared a room with her since she was 3 months old. We had to whisper again...I think we are more cautious than we need to be, but she is seriously a super light sleeper (a GREAT sleeper, but yet a light one).
The only time she woke up was at 1 a.m. the morning that Daddy and Grandpa were supposed to go fishing. I woke up in a panic and SWORE that the sun was up! Turns out, it was the light outside our room and it was only 1...not 5. Ooops! Daddy wasn't very happy with me, but luckily I got Brooklyn back to sleep! Once 5 a.m. hit, they did have a successful day and caught a few redfish and some mangrove snapper!!
We also took her to the Sea Turtle Rescue center, which was pretty fun! We showed all sorts of super old turtles (we tried to be educational!). We ate at one restaurant on a pier (Pirates Landing) and they gave her a paper pirate our surprise, she kept it on for a very long time!!
Other than coming home with her 2nd ear ache, I think her first trip to the beach was well worth it!! :) I just remembered the WORST part of the trip...the car ride!! My mom and I sat in the back with Brooklyn. Did I mention that she likes to keep the backseat to herself? Apparently she does not like to share and feels like we are in her space! She is perfectly content in the car...and sleeps just fine, when she is ALONE! However for us, our darling girl screamed herself into a tizzy the way down and the way back. We finally learned to put up a pillow on either side of her so she couldn't see us...and she went to sleep. Crazy kid...
We came home for about a week and then left for Midland! Betsy had holiday open house with Thirty-One, Scentsy and Mary Kay! Everyone did great and the day flew by!! Then on Sunday it was Gracie's 5th birthday party which was also fun!! Monday we pretty much hung out at home and then it was time to go on Tuesday. We are always SO busy when we are there, it just flies by!!
Then...we came home for another week or so and left for San Angelo! Teri had a Thirty-One party!! (talk about two great sister-in-laws who are helping me out with these parties!!) Teri also did fantastic!! She also had some of the most beautiful and fun Halloween decorations I have EVER seen!!! If I could pay someone to come decorate for each holiday...I might decorate more! But I simply don't want to store all these fun things...nor set up or take down (thus I am dreading Christmas...I sware we JUST put everything up!!).
Alas, we came home...and don't feel like nomads. We have no where to go for quite some time...and that is a nice feeling!! I went to the Yardhouse at LaCantera for my 28th birthday (yes, I'm feeling OLD!). My parents, John, Jamie, Gina, Jonathan, Mike, Sandy and Ian were all able to come!! It was opening night for the they had a few glitches here and there, but the food was AWESOME!!! We will totally be going back!!! I got my drivers license renewed doesn't expire until 2015!! I'll be 34, which makes me feel even older :(
My mom has a stuffed animal chicken that when you squeeze it's wing it lights up, dances...and you guessed it! does the Chicken Dance!!! We have all started to teach Brooklyn the Chicken Dance in preparation for Wurstfest!! A family tradition for I don't know how we are sure she is going to have fun! She loves to dance and bop around to music...what better music than German polka, clogging and chicken dancing?!?! November we come!!
Brooks, Ian and Steven are going on a canoe/camping trip the beginning of November on the Colorado River (he invited me, I said NO thanks!). I have been super busy with my Thirty-One business and feeling really blessed. I will be promoted to Director the end of October (my 2nd promotion). I still can't believe how much I am loving the company and how great it has been for me, and for us as a family! I know have eight consultants on my team (none of which I have personally sought out...everyone I meet simply loves the product and the company) and a total of 18 on my team!! It is a wonderful blessing!!
Brooklyn is still taking 2 naps a day...and I am thankful for that. We can get by with only one, but it is not very pleasant. She cruises around furniture and ANYTHING that she can get her hands on! She is great at pushing her little "walk-along" things...or small tables or chairs! I got her bangs cut for the 3rd time...and I guess the 3rd time was the charm!! I sat her in my lap today and she didn't shed one single tear! Was happy as a clam!! Lesson learned...DON'T put her in the cute little car!! She looks SO much better and "kept" and not like and orphan!
Brooks and I took her to a pediatric opthamologist (Charles McCash) on Monday to get her poor little eye checked out. She has had tear duct issues since she was born. I have massaged them, we have given her drops and ointment...and she still struggles with that eye...always having crusties, goopy tears...her hair will get stuck in it, or sometimes it gets stuck's all pretty sad. Her left eye cleared up on it's own about 3-4 months ago...but the right eye is more stubborn. He told us that her eyes look great and her vision was right where it should be! Checked to make sure that the duct issue was not caused by something else. She proceeded to tell the dr "no, no" and wave her hand in his face. He said "I'm very glad you have an opinion." This is her latest..."no, no"...she is quite good at "no" and knows exactly what it means...unfortunately she says it a bit much. Anyways, he said that she did need surgery. Babies that are 8-10 months can be probed in the office...but much older than that, they have a greater anxiety so it is just easier to do it under anesthesia. It makes us nervous...but he said it's a super quick procedure. We will probably get that scheduled for some time in November.
Speaking of Brooklyn "speaking"...she also loves to say "hi" and it is just the sweetest sound!! Sometimes she will put her hand/arm up to her ear like she's on the phone and say "hi, hi!" Too cute!!! One day the phone was ringing and she picked it up and handed it to me!! She also knows that shoes and socks go on her feet...and hats go on her head. She will try to put things in their respective's fun watching her try to put things on! She will say "da da" and pat her chest...because that is what Brooks does. She also says "di duh" for diaper. She will make the "ma ma" sound...but I have no clue if she knows what she is talking about. However, she must...because she LOVES to talk and has the longest conversations with herself!!
Brooklyn has also become quit the picky eater!! She used to eat any and everything we gave her! Her diet now consists of vanilla yogurt, peach yogurt, pear yogurt, apple yogurt...and thankfully YoBaby has 3 in 1 meals...Green Beans, Pears and Yogurt...and more!! Ok, not really...but yogurt is the only thing we can get in her without a challenge. Last night she did eat a tub of green veggies, which was a shock! She also likes meat balls...and hot dogs. We quartered a hot dog (no bun) and then sliced it in little pieces and she ate the ENTIRE thing!! I need to go find veggie or turkey dogs!! She also loves the Gerber Graduates Crunchies...I think they look like Cheetos...which can't be a good thing! ...but she's a big fan!!
I think that pretty much sums up the recap on our lives lately! Halloween is Saturday and her Grandpa K bought her a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader we are going to make her a cheerleader for Halloween! Gina's mom has graciously invited us and my parents over to her house for dinner and that should be fun. Otherwise I doubt we would go...because it would be silly for us to take her since she's not walking yet...haha. At least this way we are with a group!! Rowan is going to be Tinker Bell, Chloe/Jeremy and parents are going to be Goldy Locks and the Three Bears....and then Brooks and I...yeah, I think we are going to be the duds...and just be ourselves! Should be fun though!!
...and SERIOUSLY, hopefully pictures will come soon....
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Brooklyn 1 Year Pictures
These were taken by Catherine Lopez...a good friend and photographer. She took these cute pictures to celebrate Brooklyn's 1 Year Birthday!! Family pics coming soon...

Friday, September 25, 2009
1 Year Old...
Anyways, this little girl (which totally describes her now) celebrated her First Birthday last week. On her actual birthday, we went to Osaka with grandma and grandpa and watched them cook on the table. We thought this might entertain her...but turns out we might need to wait a year or two more...or just make sure she has a fresh nap first. She was a tad fussy...which was finally relieved by an order of mango ice cream. She was also graced with a visit from Great Aunt Jamie on her birthday!! She made the trip to hand deliver some flowers...and to sing to the Birthday Girl.
Mommy and Daddy woke Brooklyn up by dumping balloons in her crib and signing "Happy Birthday." ...the was followed by some fun music and more balloons in the living room! That night Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Grandpa...and the BIRTHDAY GIRL went to dinner at Osaka. We thought it would entertain Brooklyn if they cooked on the table. Ahhh, maybe this will be more entertaining in a few years. It caught her interest for a bit and then she was bored. However, considering she didn't really nap all day...she did quite well. Some mango ice cream seems to be the trick!!
We had her actual party on Sunday, September 6th. The Nethery clan won the award for coming the farthest. They drove down Saturday and stayed with us through Monday! Brooklyn had fun with her cousins!! She and Gracie and going to have so much fun doing all the "girly" things as soon as Brooklyn gets a tad older. Well actually, Gracie LOVES doing the girly things with her now...but Brooklyn will be able to participate more in the future! ;)
Grandma S-L-A-V-E-D away in the kitchen all day on Saturday baking and decorating cupcakes and cakes (yes, plural...because Brooklyn had to have her own cake to SMASH!!). My Mom always made my cake each year (one might think I would want to tackle this tradition for my own daughter...but my Mom is so great at it...I thought she should continue with the tradition...maybe I will take it over in the future). We had a #1 cake pan, which matched the invitations perfectly!!! ...and when I say perfect, it is because Grandma took the time to ice each little pink and white square with the star tip...and then gave it a green border...TOO CUTE!!!
Talk about a HUGE party!! I think there were more people here to see this little cutie dig into her cake than we could ever get together!! Let's face it...we don't really through parties...haha. Just to name a few: Grandma & Grandpa K, Nethery Family, Great GREAT Aunt Jo, Great Aunt Jamie/Great Uncle Johnny, The O'Brien Family, Katherine, Mary Lynn, Steven, Jennifer, Ian, Pamela, Yokley Family, Melissa (Tillie), Danielle (Christian), Martin Family, Dawn (Arianna), Benavides Family, Heather (Cindy)...and please forgive me for those that I forgot!! Let's just say this girly of ours is LOVED!! I bought bubbles, sidewalk chalk and play dough for the kiddos to play with...they seemed to be entertained!!

However, I totally overestimated how much food we we had enough to feed an army. We had fruit and veggies galore (and literally enough fruit dip for an army...9 cups to be exact...oops!). Yummy spinach dip (Thanks Aunt Betsy!!). Delicious tortilla pinwheel sandwiches (Thanks Target!! ...the best deal in town!! tray would have been plenty). And did I mention cupcakes, cake and more cupcakes??
Everyone gathered around to watch the Birthday Girl eat her cake. I have to say, she was a bit hesitant at first. I think the icing might have felt funny to her. Since it was done with the icing tip, it was kind of textured. She basically picked at the edging for a while. Finally, I gave her a good taste and she delved a little deeper. Never made a huge mess...but she did get pretty darn sticky and had icing everywhere!! I stripped her down and dunked her for a quick bath in the sink before her festivities could continue.
I can't hear you...can you please sing louder!!
The birthday girl needs a little ice cream too!!
After cake, most of our friends left...and we just had family here. It seemed like an appropriate time to let her open her gifts. Cousins Gracie and Quentin were her helpers!! Needless to say, Brooklyn seemed to be more interested in the boxes that her gifts were in vs. the toys! WOW...I think we know own a complete Little People village!! It is so incredible and they are the cutest toys!! I love it that she will be able to play with them for so long!! Quentin is 7 and was still having fun with them!! She got: Happy Sounds Home (Grandma Q/Grandpa Joe), Car Garage/Race Track (O'Brien Family), School Bus (Jennifer/Karol), Tractor (Aunt Maggie), Boat (Ian), Airplane (Steven), SUV (Danielle)...and the Farm!! She also got a ton of clothes and a Little People Parade push/ride along (Grandma/Grandpa K). The Netherys (ahem, Cousin Gracie) gave Brooklyn not only her first baby doll...but a Baby Stella Doll...which Gracie has too!! They were soo cute with their little dollies!! She also got a ton of fun bath toys and a tent/tube (Aunt Jamie/Uncle John). Some other fun goodies that she got included puzzles, books, jewelry and much more!! Yes, I did say jewelry.
Brooks and I gave Brooklyn her charm bracelet. It is actually my old bracelet that I ran out of room on when I was younger and upgraded to a bracelet with more links. I thought it would be neat for her to have and for us to be able to start that tradition for her. She has the "B" and a cupcake!! The other jewelery that she got is a diamond ring from her Daddy (it is a marquis, solitaire). Brooks came up with the idea all on his own...and didn't even tell me about it!! He wanted her to have something from him that was hers her whole, entire life (or nearly!)!! Brooks gave it to her with a super sweet note that basically said that it is to remind her that he will always be there for her no matter what. He wanted her to have this ring to keep with her as a reminder, and then when that special day comes...when she finds a person that makes her feel the way that he feels about me, that person can replace it. How sweet is that?!?!
Aunt Betsy and Uncle Curtis were also so generous to give us one of their Little Tyke outdoor slides!! It is so awesome!! It is a small slide and swing that is perfect for Brooklyn!! We don't have anything like I know it will be used a lot!!! Speaking of outdoor play stuff...Brooks and I also got her a water table....which we FORGOT to give her. ...and have been so busy, that it is still in the box!! We will give it to her soon...I mean, the girl LOVES to splash in the dog's water...just think of the fun she will have with this!!
Another neat present that she got was a hand crafted t-shirt from Melissa!! Melissa has her own company, Melimba, and she makes the cutest creations!!! Stationery, clothes...and now her very own fabric!! She is quite the talented friend!! I wanted Brooklyn to have a cupcake shirt for her Melissa designed one!!! ...AND she even gave us some stationery with cupcakes that have Brooklyn's name on them!! Fancy!!
TAADAA!!! The big finale!! After Brooklyn finished opening her gifts...she PULLED HERSELF UP!! Our little girl had not been wanting to stand...but how amazing is it that she did it when we had the camera out!! She acted as if she had been doing it her whole life!! (all 12 months of it!). She only did it one time that evening...but after that she was on a roll!!! It was funny, at first her legs would get so so wibbly wobbly and she would stand there crying...not knowing how to sit. Thankfully (for her sake), her legs have gotten stronger and she has figured out how to sit! She is know a furniture cruising fool!! ...and PS - a few days later she learned that she can also climb stairs!! (did I mention that I just ordered two baby gates? yes, for the top and bottom of the stairs...).
A hat or tutu, that is the question!
To wrap things Mom and I took Brooklyn to JC Penny (a few days after her birthday) and had her picture taken with a little round cake from HEB. These were just diaper shots digging into the cake. This icing was definitely more fun for her to touch (either that or her cake digging experience has improved)...but she was such a mess and had a blast!! Our favorite was when she stuck her foot in it!! She LOVES to do things with her feet!! Then, she had enough and there were pink hand prints ALL OVER the sheet!!
Today, our wonderful friend Catherine (Four Creative Studio) took pictures of Brooklyn in her tutu. A minor detail that I forgot. I bought Brooklyn a tutu for her Birthday...I thought it would be cute for her to wear. She actually just wore it during presents...and kind of looked like a little peacock when she stuck her hiny in the air and crawled. It was pretty fun! Aunt Jo even thought it made a festive hat! I agree, don't you? Anyways, we met Catherine today...and she was so gracious to take Brooklyn's picture!! She kind of reminded me of a little fairy in a garden! She just wore her birthday tutu and her multi-colored corker bows from Grandma. I can't wait to see the pictures!! We are doing family pictures with Catherine this next week!!
Alrighty, I seem to be a bit long-winded...but it was a BIG day in our little Brooklyn's I had a lot to say. I think this seems to sum up all things 1st Birthday. Pictures you ask? Yes, that will be my next add pictures for this post....AND the last!!