Happy 30th Birthday to my wonderful husband, partner, best friend, Brooklyn's father...and so much more!! We celebrated last night at La Fogata with my parents, my Aunt Jamie and Steven. Brooks enjoyed his usual..."poco de todo"..."a little bit of everything" and we all stuffed our faces with yummy mexican food. I didn't get a cake baked...but my parents so generously brought a Tiramisu cake...which was absolutely decedent and he loved every bite! He received numerous Bass Pro Shops gift cards which are going in his stash for a bow...he wants to take up archery. He came home and we celebrated with our own little party and opened presents! Brooklyn and I gave him a new shirt, some ties, house shoes, a coffee cup with her picture, an Indiana Jones hat and leather gloves. He also got a really pretty shirt and a fun fishing book from Teri and Betsy.

His 30th birthday celebration continued on today with lunch at Double Dave’s accompanied by his two favorite girls...Brooklyn and I picked him up. She decided to stay awake the whole time and talk to us. She is really having fun listening to herself...it's so much fun to hear what she has to say!! Her other discovery is her feet...and playing with them...pulling socks...and if she's lucky getting them in her mouth!!

Howdy Pardner! How do I look in Daddy's "Indiana Jones" hat??
Tonight Grandma & Grandpa K babysat while we sent to a new tepanaki restaurant, Osaka and had the funniest chef ever!!! We had a great time!! The chef also chopped up a shrimp into four pieces...for us to catch in our mouths!!! I had no idea that was his intention...Brooks knew what he was doing...I figure it must be a guy thing...especially because it is apparently a hidden talent that my husband possesses that I knew nothing about...and well, I pretty much stink at it. I was 0-2 for my shrimp catching...and he was 2-2. On his second shrimp...it was literally catapulted from the spatula from about 15 feet away and he caught it (and even though I have been obsessive with the camera lately...I didn't bring it...so I missed this photo opp)!!! He even surprised himself. Once again a guy thing. I decided he and Steven probably sat around in college practicing this. And to further my point, our nephew Quentin was walking around at Christmas throwing food up trying to catch it in his mouth...again, a guy thing...they must start practicing this skill early...because he is 6!! Never something I acquired a desire for.

You sure do get a lot of presents when you turn the big 3-0!
And props to my husband for setting up a really fun, surprise date night on Monday. He surprised me and took me to a theater called The Rialto (pretty much like Alamo Draft House...but he decided they had better food...and I must say....our burgers were both really yummmy!!). We saw "Marley and Me," while we ate our burgers and both cried nearly the entire time!!! If you haven't seen it...you must. If you are an animal/pet lover....bring some tissues. We left feeling extra sentimental about our little doggies and our family...so we spread a sheet out on the bed Monday night and let them sleep with us. It was our entire family all on the bed...minus Brooklyn who is doing so so wonderful sleeping in her room!! I think it is harder on me than her.
It is crazy the amount of love we have for that little girl and how she makes us feel. Brooks has told me so many times in the past 24 hours how truly blessed he feels. I think turning 30 has made him contemplate his life and where he is. He has told me how lucky he is to have me, Brooklyn, a house, a good job, family that loves him....and overall a good life...and I have to agree...I'm glad we have him in ours! Brooklyn and I love you with all our heart and soul!!
His best present :)