Friday, March 27, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Our $3 Purchase...

Thursday, March 19, 2009
The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Can we say SLEEPY??
So...the good news of the day! Brooklyn's head is better!! Last time the doctor said her plagiocephaly (flat spot) was very very mild...5mm. Today she said that it was only about 3mm and didn't think she needed a helmet...woohoo!! She told us the helmets rarely get it perfect...usually around 2mm, so why would we put her through that?!? She said she just expected it to get better or stay the same...but definitely not worse, so that was very good news. I also asked the doctor about cranial massage or craniosacral therapy (I read it is a more homeopathic way of treating such conditions)...she told me that was for crazy people in California and didn't work...haha. Some more good news...she weighed 14lbs 2oz...hopefully that will make Dr. Ferreris happy! She goes to see him next week for a weight check.
Then, Mommy had to go and make her day worse. The neurosurgeon that our pediatrician sent us to is in the pedi specialty group and I knew they had a hematologist in their group. So I asked her if she knew anything about VonWillebrand's disease (I was diagnosed when I was is a pseudo-hemophilia...I have NEVER had any problems). So, she went and got the hematologist (luckily he was available). He met with us...asked us questions...said they usually suggest testing after the child is 6 months...and went ahead and tested her!! My Mom and I were totally impressed that they didn't even want us to make another appointment and that they made time for us!! Stars in our book!! ...but not Brooklyn's. She has had her heels pricked...but they actually drew blood from her. Poor thing had a tourniquet, needle, vials of blood...the whole nine yards. Now...watching her go through that was heart wrenching!!! She was a champ though and left with a Hello Kitty band-aid. Cousin Gracie would be jealous!! (probably not...who would want one if they had to give blood to get it!!)
Shelby tried to kiss me and make it did make me laugh
She slept as soon as we got in the car and the whole way home! Luckily dinner was uneventful...but she hasn't wanted to go to sleep Daddy is in there giving it a whirl. I gave it my all and needed a here I sit, updating you on Brooklyn's crummy day. It really hasn't been that awful...but not her best. Thankfully tomorrow is a new day and she won't remember today.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Our Little O'Cutie

Wonderful "Take and Toss" spoons
All gone!! Messy messy prunes!!
This is why we got the WONDERFUL plastic bib (and its cute!)
Although she's not near that messy anymore...
New plastic bib!!
She is nearly sitting unassisted. She is SO SO SO close! She can do it for just a couple of seconds before she teeters and totters. Another new found skill she has become a fan of is rolling. She rolled from her back to her tummy several months ago...but since we have been restricting her time on her back, she hasn't had the opportunity to try or practice. However, her much needed tummy time has now come to a screeching halt because she IMMEDIATELY rolls over...and kicks her legs in excitement!! I lay her back down and she rolls kind of becomes a game. Therefor, making her spend time on her tummy has now gotten more difficult. She has progressed from crying and hating realizing that she doesn't have to be there.
However, this skill has made a negative impact on her napping. For the past month or so she has been taking an incredible morning nap!! Usually for at least 2 hours...if not 3 hours some days. We put her on her tummy just for naps and she slept great!! She would wake up...check out her crib and go back to sleep. That isn't the case anymore. Now she wakes up and flips over...and that is the end of our nap. Yesterday she got herself stuck in the slats of the crib. We have nothing in her crib with her...just a sheet and Brooklyn. Her poor right arm and leg were wedged between the crib and the wall! Her arm came out with great ease...but it was a little tricky twisting her leg and getting back through. Needless to say Grandma bought her a lovely chocolate breathable bumper that we put in her crib last night. I must might help our nap situation because today when she woke up she rolled over and fell back asleep for a little while because she didn't have the crib slats to play with. We also stopped swaddling her arms about a week ago at night. So good! We just swaddle her basically we just use the little velcro wrap from her armpits down, so she still feels "snug as a bug in a rug." She seems to sleep really well. She likes to sleep on her as a result, un-swaddling her has helped her to not be on her back as much!! With free arms comes movement though...she usually rotates a full 180-360 degrees by again, breathable bumper should be a good thing. So...we shall see.

Here is our new mesh breathable bumper (not our crib though)
Grandma also bought Brooklyn her first swimsuit!!! I didn't want a bikini for a baby...and they had some cute tankini ones....which were cute, but I thought the diaper would probably show a lot more with separate bottoms (although they might be easier to change). We got her cute little pink and orange plaid swimsuit that has three ruffles down the front and a white daisy at the bottom of each's pretty fun!! We may also get her one with sleeves...Old Navy has a really cute one with pink, orange and yellow flowers...that has ruffles on the leg holes...we'll see. I mean, how many swimsuits will a 9 month old need?? I really hope to take her to the pool though because she LOVES her bath...I think she will be a big fan.
Another fun thing in her life...we have introduced the sippy cup! She has no clue what to do with it...but she loves to wave it around (occasionally bonking herself) and suck on whatever part of it she can get in her mouth. I don't think she has yet to get any liquid out of it. I also wasn't sure what to put in we have started with water. I think that is all she'll get for a very long while.
She still loves to jump and be bounced around. Any fast movement makes her laugh. Brooks and I were talking about how much we just love (and I mean LOVE) to listen to that little chuckle that comes out of such a cute little body....and how it is such an innocent little sound.
Brooklyn goes back to the doctor for a followup on her head this Thursday, a weight check with the pedi on April 2nd. Brooks is having surgery next Monday and will be home from work for a week or so. Even though he will be least he will get to spend more time with us!! He has plans of catching up on The Unit, City Limit Fishing (which he has a MILLION recorded), watching guy movies...and playing video games (Playstation on loan from Ian)...all with Brooklyn at his side (unless she is eating or sleeping).
Just a sweet picture! She NEVER lays on us like could I resist??
I have been working on planning a "belated" 30th birthday party for my Brooks (AKA my wonderful husband and Brooklyn's wonderful Daddy). It might be at Lake Medina...and it might be at our house...who knows! We went out to the lake last week and the water level is way it didn't look like much fun. Either way...we hope to celebrate and have a get together for Brooks with family and close friends (he doesn't want a lot of people...I keep telling him, "Brooks, you come from a BIG family"). You might ask why we are doing it now when his birthday was in January...well it was really close to Christmas and people were already traveling left and right...and it's cold (or should be in January) we decided to have a little shindig for him in the spring. That is a short (or long) update on our life at the moment.
Cute little feet poking out of bluejeans...first time in jeans
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Happy 1/2 Year Birthday!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Visit with Karol and her kiddos...
Let me tell you...there is a big difference between a 6 day old and a 6 month old...crazy!! I haven't had a true realization on how much Brooklyn has grown because Sarah seemed like a feather!!! She was so tee-tiny and Brooklyn looked HUGE next to her (or to me it seemed that way!). She was so so precious and I just wanted to share our visit. Nate loved to hold Brooklyn and kept saying "she's so cute!". They were adorable children and so well behaved...I have never seen two little boys with such incredible manners!!! We will have many future playdates!!!