She had her 9 month check up the beginning of June and weighted 16lbs 13oz. Still tiny...but she's healthy and Dr. Ferreris thinks she looks great! She got two shots and was a trooper! She has also had her first "sick visit" at the doctor. She had been messing with her ears a lot and had a small scab in one of them. My mom told me that she thought her ear was bothering her....I said "yeah I need to cut her finger nails"...because I was thinking the scab itched. Well...obviously I misunderstood my Mom. Sure enough...Brooklyn had her first ear infection! I felt so awful for not knowing!!! I was actually working an even for Thirty-One and Aunt Jamie was babysitting Brooklyn...so her super duper Aunt took her to the doctor. We went through ear drops for 24 hours (and yes, I wore them in my bra just like my Mommy and Mame did...so they stayed nice and warm for her ears) and did a round of liquid amoxicillin (...and it still tastes the exact same!). Since then, her ears have been clear and healthy...so we are hoping her setback was just a fluke and will not become a recurrence.
We had a great time in Midland. We went to see Grandma Q and Grandpa Joe mid-May. We were going to go swimming, but it wasn't quite warm enough (which you wouldn't guess by today's weather...my car said 106 earlier!!!!!). Aunt Betsy held a Thirty-One party at her house...we got to visit with Quentin, Gracie and Brinin some...and then we came home. Overall the trip was too quick and too short!! We hope to go back in July and October!!
Brooks has been AWESOME at work! We truly think it is a result of a lot of answered prayers! He is currently the #1 Sales Counselor for KB Home in San Antonio!! Could we have a more amazing Daddy??? He's working hard for his girls and making people's dreams of home ownership come true...I'm truly glad he loves his job!!

Watch me go!
Another big milestone in Brooklyn's life is sitting on her own...from the laying down position! She did this last night for her Daddy (and Mommy missed it)!! However, Brooks happened to have recording her...so we got it on video! I think it's neat that he was alone with her and got to experience one of her "firsts." I also just laid her down for a nap...and when I looked at the video monitor, the little stinker was sitting up! So maybe she has secretly been practicing in her crib...who knows!

I think she is destined to shop....she loves playing with credit cards and tags on clothing!
Grandma is currently on a mission to make cute hair bows for her. I used to be called "bow head" because of my crazy bows...so Brooklyn can now take over my nickname. She is going to be so stinkin' cute though!!! She is in desperate need of a haircut...because the poor child can't see. So, I have been pulling her hair half up and putting it in pigtails...talk about adding personality! She is so adorable...and will be even more so with her color coordinating bows!!
Grandma's "Corkers"
Once again, I have written way to much for any sitting...but this is a current update on our life and what we have been up to! Tomorrow we will be babysitting Rowan, so that will be a fun play date for both of the girls!! Congratulations to Catherine & Greg Lopez who's sweet baby boy was born yesterday!! 6lbs 7oz, 19inches...and a ton of dark curly hair...we can't wait to meet him!!
And seriously...is July really next week?