I had the best intentions of making the "beach" it's own blog...but time is simply getting away from me...so let me just recap on life since Brooklyn's birthday!!
We (my parents, Brooklyn, Brooks & I) went to South Padre from September 18th-22nd. I really really want to be able to take Brooklyn to the beach each summer....but REALLY wanted a baby picture of her in the sand!!
I bought a cheap-o umbrella stroller at Wal-Mart with the intentions of it getting junked out and ruined on the beach...but wanted something to push her in. It mainly turned into a chair...and something to carry her in...because it didn't push through sand very well (but the thought was there).
Our first stop was in Port Isabel...WAL-MART (because we don't have those here, ya know!). It seemed to be a better bet for a grocery store than the Blue Marlin grocery store on the island. We stocked up on sandwich stuff, breakfast goodies...and snacky stuff! We went out to eat about once a day...which worked for Brooklyn!
We showed up looking like 100% tourists...video camera, camera...and 4 crazy adults staring at Brooklyn clapping and cheering for her as we set her down in the water! She loved to splash in the waves and to crawl around! I quickly decided that the beach was a safer place for her to be than the pool...because she couldn't "fall in." We built sand castles...chased her across the sand...watched grandpa fly a kite...went to the pool and more. Overall, we had a great time...and made some great memories! She had a few facefulls of salt water...but seemed to survive it all!!
She was such a trooper too! She did so great taking naps and sleeping in her pack n play! Mommy and Daddy were a bit nervous because we haven't shared a room with her since she was 3 months old. We had to whisper again...I think we are more cautious than we need to be, but she is seriously a super light sleeper (a GREAT sleeper, but yet a light one).
The only time she woke up was at 1 a.m. the morning that Daddy and Grandpa were supposed to go fishing. I woke up in a panic and SWORE that the sun was up! Turns out, it was the light outside our room and it was only 1...not 5. Ooops! Daddy wasn't very happy with me, but luckily I got Brooklyn back to sleep! Once 5 a.m. hit, they did have a successful day and caught a few redfish and some mangrove snapper!!
We also took her to the Sea Turtle Rescue center, which was pretty fun! We showed all sorts of super old turtles (we tried to be educational!). We ate at one restaurant on a pier (Pirates Landing) and they gave her a paper pirate hat...to our surprise, she kept it on for a very long time!!
Other than coming home with her 2nd ear ache, I think her first trip to the beach was well worth it!! :) I just remembered the WORST part of the trip...the car ride!! My mom and I sat in the back with Brooklyn. Did I mention that she likes to keep the backseat to herself? Apparently she does not like to share and feels like we are in her space! She is perfectly content in the car...and sleeps just fine, when she is ALONE! However for us, our darling girl screamed herself into a tizzy the way down and the way back. We finally learned to put up a pillow on either side of her so she couldn't see us...and she went to sleep. Crazy kid...
We came home for about a week and then left for Midland! Betsy had holiday open house with Thirty-One, Scentsy and Mary Kay! Everyone did great and the day flew by!! Then on Sunday it was Gracie's 5th birthday party which was also fun!! Monday we pretty much hung out at home and then it was time to go on Tuesday. We are always SO busy when we are there, it just flies by!!
Then...we came home for another week or so and left for San Angelo! Teri had a Thirty-One party!! (talk about two great sister-in-laws who are helping me out with these parties!!) Teri also did fantastic!! She also had some of the most beautiful and fun Halloween decorations I have EVER seen!!! If I could pay someone to come decorate for each holiday...I might decorate more! But I simply don't want to store all these fun things...nor set up or take down (thus I am dreading Christmas...I sware we JUST put everything up!!).
Alas, we came home...and don't feel like nomads. We have no where to go for quite some time...and that is a nice feeling!! I went to the Yardhouse at LaCantera for my 28th birthday (yes, I'm feeling OLD!). My parents, John, Jamie, Gina, Jonathan, Mike, Sandy and Ian were all able to come!! It was opening night for the restaurant...so they had a few glitches here and there, but the food was AWESOME!!! We will totally be going back!!! I got my drivers license renewed today...it doesn't expire until 2015!! I'll be 34, which makes me feel even older :(
My mom has a stuffed animal chicken that when you squeeze it's wing it lights up, dances...and you guessed it! ...it does the Chicken Dance!!! We have all started to teach Brooklyn the Chicken Dance in preparation for Wurstfest!! A family tradition for I don't know how long...so we are sure she is going to have fun! She loves to dance and bop around to music...what better music than German polka, clogging and chicken dancing?!?! November 7th...here we come!!
Brooks, Ian and Steven are going on a canoe/camping trip the beginning of November on the Colorado River (he invited me, I said NO thanks!). I have been super busy with my Thirty-One business and feeling really blessed. I will be promoted to Director the end of October (my 2nd promotion). I still can't believe how much I am loving the company and how great it has been for me, and for us as a family! I know have eight consultants on my team (none of which I have personally sought out...everyone I meet simply loves the product and the company) and a total of 18 on my team!! It is a wonderful blessing!!
Brooklyn is still taking 2 naps a day...and I am thankful for that. We can get by with only one, but it is not very pleasant. She cruises around furniture and ANYTHING that she can get her hands on! She is great at pushing her little "walk-along" things...or small tables or chairs! I got her bangs cut for the 3rd time...and I guess the 3rd time was the charm!! I sat her in my lap today and she didn't shed one single tear! Was happy as a clam!! Lesson learned...DON'T put her in the cute little car!! She looks SO much better and "kept" and not like and orphan!
Brooks and I took her to a pediatric opthamologist (Charles McCash) on Monday to get her poor little eye checked out. She has had tear duct issues since she was born. I have massaged them, we have given her drops and ointment...and she still struggles with that eye...always having crusties, goopy tears...her hair will get stuck in it, or sometimes it gets stuck shut...it's all pretty sad. Her left eye cleared up on it's own about 3-4 months ago...but the right eye is more stubborn. He told us that her eyes look great and her vision was right where it should be! Checked to make sure that the duct issue was not caused by something else. She proceeded to tell the dr "no, no" and wave her hand in his face. He said "I'm very glad you have an opinion." This is her latest..."no, no"...she is quite good at "no" and knows exactly what it means...unfortunately she says it a bit much. Anyways, he said that she did need surgery. Babies that are 8-10 months can be probed in the office...but much older than that, they have a greater anxiety so it is just easier to do it under anesthesia. It makes us nervous...but he said it's a super quick procedure. We will probably get that scheduled for some time in November.
Speaking of Brooklyn "speaking"...she also loves to say "hi" and it is just the sweetest sound!! Sometimes she will put her hand/arm up to her ear like she's on the phone and say "hi, hi!" Too cute!!! One day the phone was ringing and she picked it up and handed it to me!! She also knows that shoes and socks go on her feet...and hats go on her head. She will try to put things in their respective places...it's fun watching her try to put things on! She will say "da da" and pat her chest...because that is what Brooks does. She also says "di duh" for diaper. She will make the "ma ma" sound...but I have no clue if she knows what she is talking about. However, she must...because she LOVES to talk and has the longest conversations with herself!!
Brooklyn has also become quit the picky eater!! She used to eat any and everything we gave her! Her diet now consists of vanilla yogurt, peach yogurt, pear yogurt, apple yogurt...and thankfully YoBaby has 3 in 1 meals...Green Beans, Pears and Yogurt...and more!! Ok, not really...but yogurt is the only thing we can get in her without a challenge. Last night she did eat a tub of green veggies, which was a shock! She also likes meat balls...and hot dogs. We quartered a hot dog (no bun) and then sliced it in little pieces and she ate the ENTIRE thing!! I need to go find veggie or turkey dogs!! She also loves the Gerber Graduates Crunchies...I think they look like Cheetos...which can't be a good thing! ...but she's a big fan!!
I think that pretty much sums up the recap on our lives lately! Halloween is Saturday and her Grandpa K bought her a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader outfit...so we are going to make her a cheerleader for Halloween! Gina's mom has graciously invited us and my parents over to her house for dinner and trick-or-treating...so that should be fun. Otherwise I doubt we would go...because it would be silly for us to take her since she's not walking yet...haha. At least this way we are with a group!! Rowan is going to be Tinker Bell, Chloe/Jeremy and parents are going to be Goldy Locks and the Three Bears....and then Brooks and I...yeah, I think we are going to be the duds...and just be ourselves! Should be fun though!!
...and SERIOUSLY, hopefully pictures will come soon....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Brooklyn 1 Year Pictures
I'm totally behind with this blog (and I think it secretly eats at me every day)...I need to post some old pics...and catch us up to date...but in the mean time, here are some WONDERFUL pictures to enjoy!!
These were taken by Catherine Lopez...a good friend and photographer. She took these cute pictures to celebrate Brooklyn's 1 Year Birthday!! Family pics coming soon...

These were taken by Catherine Lopez...a good friend and photographer. She took these cute pictures to celebrate Brooklyn's 1 Year Birthday!! Family pics coming soon...

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