Monday, January 25, 2010

Welcome 2010!

Brooks and I rang in the New Year at home. We put Brooklyn to bed and had a fun night of fondue. Cheese and chocolate!! Yummy!! My Mom just had foot surgery on BOTH feet on December she is off babysitting duty until at least mid-Februrary.

We celebrated Brooks' 31st birthday at Paeasano's...and my parents volunteered to keep Brooklyn. I thought Paesano's would be super yummy since Brooks had not been there...however, he didn't agree. He ordered Chicken Parmeasean...and was not a huge fan. However, I had Shrimp Paesano...and it tasted exactly like it was supposed to!! ...remember all the socks and undies he got for Christmas...well he got more for his bday!! :) Lucky guy!!

Brooks' birthday was on the 7th...and well the 8th was a hard day for Brooklyn and her parents. She has dealth with tear duct issues her entire first year of life. Poor girl thinks here right eyelashes are made of cardboard...and are glued shut half the time. We finally bit the bullet and scheduled her for surgery. We had to be at the hosptial at 6:00 a.m. and her surgery was scheduled for 7. Dr. Charles McCash did performed her surgery and he was pretty great...minus constantly running late! ;) Aunt Jamie met Mommy and Daddy at the hospital and waited with us while they took Brookie back. We didn't take our we only have our cell phone pics.

They put her in a tweety/bugs hospital gown...and Dr. McCash drew a squiggle above her right eye (to make sure they operated on the right one). We didn't really have a chance to kiss her goodbye...the nurse just wisked her away. She was gone from us 30-45 minutes...and then the doctor came out and said she did great!!! Her passageway was super narrow, so her problems didn't suprise him! We went in the back to see our Brookie and she was one unhappy camper!! Not from pain...but from being held by strange nurses and not seeing anyone she knew!! I nursed her and then they wheeled Mommy and patient out in a wheelchair.

She went back for her post-op the next week, got a great report...and is still doing well!! I think the surgery was harder on Mom and Dad...becasue it was the first time we have turned her over to someone other than family...and we weren't with her.

Brookie and Mommy have been visitng Grandma nearly every day at lunch time. We play with Grandma, brighten her day...and let Bitsy and Grace out to go potty. The computer has become a good companion to my Mom...and has helped occupy her days. She has a game that she plays with fish...Brooklyn loves to come up to the couch....pat it (which means "I want up")...and then she points at the computer and says "ish ish"'s pretty cute.

My Mom has also had MayMay's electric amigo car...Brooklyn LOVES to climb on this and walk circles around it!! ...she also has fun when Grandma takes her for a ride!!

Neeless to say, Grandpa has been doing a lot more solo babysitting with Brookly, since Grandma is off her feet. They have had fun!! :)

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